
Vape shops open in two UK hospitals to help smokers kick the habit.
E-cigarette use continues to rise, with 6.3% of British adults vaping in 2018, up from 5.5% the previous year, according to figures analysed by NHS Digital earlier this month.

E-Cigarettes needed to get more adults to quit smoking
E-Cigarettes have only a tiny fraction of the risk of smoking. It is well known that almost all the harm from smoking is caused by the products of combustion, which are absent from vaping.

E-Cigarettes are a safe and excellent way of reducing our smoking rates.
Across Canada, some provinces have legislated that e-cigarettes are equivalent to tobacco products, by promoting the idea that combustible tobacco smoke and vapour are equally harmful. The assertion that e-cigarettes are not a viable cessation tool is scientifically incorrect, morally dangerous and likely in violation of our charter right to access harm-reduction alternatives

Signs of hope in the USA as opposition to bans gains speed
BanE LiquidE-CigarettesKentuckyManhattan Institute for Policy ResearchPennsylvaniaVape ShopVapersvaping
For vapers in the USA the news has been almost unrelentingly bad all year. There are signs that may be changing, however. A county court struck down a proposed new law that would have treated vaping as smoking, while a major think tank is attacking the idea of vape taxes. Meanwhile a business owner is suing Pennsylvania over its wide-ranging 40% tax. It’s too early to say a corner has been turned, but things look slightly better than in recent months.